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Christmas Offer! Garage Door With Installation at Just $249

Only if your garage door could talk, you would have known when to get it replaced.

Broken Door Parts

Splintered sections on wood doors and missing parts are easy to spot. Also check for these clues that your door should be replaced.Problems like these definitely affect the door’s structural integrity and can also be an open invitation for rodents, insects or even burglars (not necessarily in order of preference!).You may be able to have your Raynor dealer replace a broken section if the door model is still being manufactured. But if your door is quite old or there is more extensive damage, it is likely that it will make more sense to replace it.Broken garage door parts can easily be replaced, but there are damages that can compromise the integrity of the door. Do a thorough inspection of your garage door and if you notice the bottom section of the door is already damaged, you might want to consider replacing it. Another damage sign is splinter and broken edges, especially for wooden garage doors

Excessive Shaking or Vibration

When you open and close the door, does it shimmy and shake (even without lively dance music playing)? That can be a sign of a host of problems affecting how the door moves on its tracks.


Rollers may be rusted and are no longer turning smoothly

One or more rollers have popped out of the tracks

Springs and cables may be broken or out of adjustment on one or both sides

The door has broken or loose hinges, causing the door to be out of square and unstable as it follows the tracks.

Shaking Garage doors are designed to operate smoothly. If you notice that your garage door shakes when you open or close it, you may need to consider having it replaced. Shaking is a telltale sign that your garage door has broken parts that make it move unevenly.


For some of the same reasons as above, you may notice that your door is getting louder as it is opened and closed. Other possible causes:

Rollers and hinges haven’t been lubricated

Uneven side-to-side tension on the door

Worn shaft bearings on the opener

You can easily detect this because you’re used to how your garage door sounds when you operate it. Unusual noise is a good indicator that there is something wrong with your garage door’s mechanism.

Oiling parts may reduce squeaking sounds, but it would be better if you ask a garage door expert to fully inspect the door for any mechanical damage

Safety Features at Stake

While non-working photo eye sensors may not necessarily be the reason to replace your door or opener, they are critical to the safety of your family. If you think the sensors aren’t doing their job, they should be checked and corrected by a Raynor garage door professional right away. The purpose of the sensors is to prevent the door from closing if something or someone is in the door opening.How to tell if the sensors aren’t working:

When you press the remote, your door will begin to close even when there is an obstruction placed in the opening between the sensors. Test this by putting a garbage can or other object in the sensor path.

The LED sensor lights are not on. Check to be sure they are both clean and are glowing. If one or both LED’s are not illuminated, there may be an alignment problem or damage. Try adjusting them slightly with your hand. If they come back on, the safety beam should be working again. Retest as described above.our garage door may not have any type of problems that will warrant replacement. However, you need to ask yourself whether your garage door has safety features like sensors that will trigger reverse action, should it detect any object underneath. You may choose to install a detector to lessen the cost; but if your garage door does not have one in the first place, it might just be appropriate to replace your garage door completely as it is already old and may eventually break down.

Poor Security

Older doors could be easier for intruders to force open. To keep your family safe and to protect your possessions, a new garage door and garage door opener can be a strong line of defense. Equipped with latest safety features, a new door system adds multi-layered security of stronger panels and hardware, openers with fresh drive gears and new security coding that is tougher for uninvited guests to defeat.

Security checklist:

Panels fit snugly in the opening and can’t be spread easily from the frame to expose side latches or the top trolley release

Door can’t be opened easily with moderate force

Security Question Like the safety feature, security is another prime consideration when replacing your garage door. Aside from keeping your vehicles protected from the elements of nature, your garage door must also make you and your family feel safe inside your home. Older garage doors can be easily broken into by intruders. Replacing it with new garage doors with the latest security features will help you sleep soundly at night. Garage door replacement can be costly , but there are other factors that you need to seriously consider safety and security are paramount and so are functionality and aesthetics. If you are unsure whether you need garage door replacement or a simple repair, contact a garage door expert immediately. A little consultation will help you in choosing the best option for your garage door.


Posted in Garage News