At the end of the day, your home’s efficiency contributes to your ROI as a homeowner. Between energy efficiency, repair and maintenance needs, and even storm resistance, the quality and integrity of your garage door matters. Garage Doors Plus, LLC repairs all door makes and models, guaranteeing quality on every project. While efficiency is a major consideration, we also want our homeowners to understand the importance of structural integrity.
Whether you’re seeking garage door repairs or a new installation, put your door’s insulation first. Let Garage Doors Plus, LLC double-check your insulation, helping you save money by providing the following benefits:
Increasing Your Home’s Value
Quality insulation and increased energy-efficiency are very appealing to potential buyers. For this reason, insulating your garage can increase your home’s value. Renovated garages, in fact, have a five-percent higher value than unrenovated garages. Even if you’re not selling your home, a renovated garage is incredibly valuable.
Reducing Your Energy Bill
You may be surprised to learn that your garage’s insulation, layout, and door design can impact the cost of your energy bills. If you need to retain more heat during cold months, you should consider increasing your door’s ability to insulate the area. As a result, you’ll see lower energy bills—increasing your overall ROI. If your garage door is lacking in the insulation department, a Garage Doors Plus, LLC professional can re-pack the insulation—ensuring long-lasting support.
Requiring Less Repair
New garage doors are sold with a home’s insulation needs in mind. They’re crafted from durable materials, and they’re less conducive than older doors. For this reason, they require less maintenance and repair. In fact, professional insulation or new door installation from Garage Doors Plus, LLC can last years. The benefits of an insulated garage door don’t end with reduced airflow. The benefits also extend to reduced repair and maintenance costs.
So, what are you waiting for? Check out the many garage door repair options available, and make sure your home isn’t costing you money. On every level, garage door repair projects are geared toward your tastes. Whether you’re building a home music studio, a garage gym, a retro car storage space or even a basic garage layout, insulation matters.
A garage’s ability to protect your belongings, protect the house and neutralize harsh temperatures is vital. Expenses build up. Hot and cold air, over time, can damage your household’s valuables. Don’t take any chances. The Garage Doors Plus, LLC team cares about your home, and our talented team of service providers ensures quality structural repairs. Once you’ve checked out our insulation installation and maintenance options, check out our other garage door repair options. From the pavement to the ceiling, we’ve got you covered.
Posted in Garage News